Left to right: Molly Crafton & Dusty Smart

Last semester, Mrs. Bernard’s Youth Entrepreneurs “Empowered” class was given the chance to come up with a business idea which could exist within the school and be ran by the students. After much debate and surveying, the students came up with the beverage business, “Beverage Barn”. The students had to develop their own business plan this semester in order to ensure they could make the business work. After proving the business would work, they were given the go ahead of having a Market Day. The Market Day would be chance for the students to actually run the business.The students chose beverages such as hot and cold coffee, lattes, chai tea, hot and iced tea, and hot chocolate. Mrs. Sutton was hired to make their pastries for them. Order forms were handed out yesterday to school employees and high school students. The students did well since the market day was not highly marketed. They were able to make a small profit along with still having products left over for additional fundraising days. As to how the students would like to see this business continue, they would like to see this business be a class fundraiser option. They also want to see the business grow by replacing their current donated espresso machine with a better one along with adding additional menu items. The sophomore class will be taking on this business as a class fundraiser for the next two Wednesday mornings along with the morning on the last day of school. Keep your eyes peeled for more information in this month’s newsletter.